When you are looking to add value to your home, a bathroom remodel is a great idea! When you are creating your plan for a new, sleek space, don’t forget these key tips so that the process can go smoothly!
1. Don’t forget the ventilation. The bathroom can be one of the dampest rooms in the home. Make sure to have a good system in place for sufficient aeration to ensure you will not have any future mold problems.
2. Don’t take out the bathtub. Unless you have another bathroom in your house with a tub, by removing this integral structure you will severely decrease the number of prospective buyers.
3. Think twice before installing things yourself. Especially when it comes to tiling or pieces with water functions, a DIY here could be disastrous. A professional can make sure things are installed properly with no leaks or structural damage.
4. Don’t forget the storage. A pedestal sink, while stylish, provides very little additional function in the bathroom. A vanity sink with cabinets and drawers is more useful for storing all of your products and linens.
5. Be practical with flooring. While marble is certainly an attractive choice, is it really practical in a bathroom? It is more expensive and tough to maintain. Consider a durable alternative that requires zero-maintenance and is stain-resistant.
6. Don’t overlook electrical outlets. Having multiple outlets for grooming tools, nightlights, electric toothbrushes and other equipment is a must. These items need some serious power and trying to hassle with one outlet is not ideal.
7. Don’t forget about the door clearance. When you close or open the door, are you hitting anything inside the bathroom? Nothing is clumsier than a door that can only open halfway or is cumbersome to move around because the space was not designed well. Consider a pocket door if you need more space!
8. Plan a safety net for your budget. Nothing can ruin a remodel quicker than running out of money. All remodels come with a certain amount of unexpected costs, so plan this into your budget from the beginning and you won’t have any set-backs!
Remodeling your bathroom can be stressful but with a plan and budget in place the project can go much smoother! If you have any questions about what kind of return on investment your bathroom could make on your home’s bottom line, reach out a Shorewest, REALTOR® who would be happy to help you!
Tags: advice, bathroom, budget, Home, Investment, Plan, Project, remodeling, Shorewest Realtors, Tips
Categories: Homeowner, How to, Real Estate Tips, Shorewest Tips
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